The Best Healthcare Degrees in a Great Demand

Health care is the industry that ensures the protection of public health. The global task of medicine is to improve the quality and duration of human life. The state health care system provides medical assistance to adults and children from primary health care (emergency, polyclinics, hospitals) to specialized (dispensaries) and high-tech care (treatment of complex pathologies, operations on the heart, brain, etc.). So workers with healthcare degrees are always in a great demand for the job market.

Medicine is an interesting and promising field of activity in which a person can be of real benefit. If biology, chemistry and physics are your favorite subjects, prefer a scientific research, and want to help people around you, then you should think about education in this direction – healthcare degree. Medicine is a special area whose workers are always in demand. This is not surprising, because diseases are constant companions of a person, and doctors and medical personnel are professionals who help people overcome ailments. 

Due to their special knowledge and skills, doctors have long been respected in society. Today, the situation has practically not changed, and medical professionals are needed both in the system of public medicine and in private clinics, in laboratories and in research institutes. If you have a healthcare degree, you always have a well-paid job.

Looking at all the observations, one can easily say that the fastest growing industry in the country is healthcare. This skyrocketing demand can easily be explained by the fact that a growing, aging population needs medical services. 

There are many mental disorders that manifest themselves in different ways.  In general, they are characterized by a combination of abnormal thoughts, ideas, emotions, behavioral reactions and relationships with others.  All specializations are based on a set of prioritized environments, and capacity-building efforts are directed primarily at health facilities. A comprehensive approach is being taken that prioritizes mental health at all levels of health care.

The Best Healthcare Degrees in a Great Demand

1. Occupational Therapy

This is a one of the methods of rehabilitation treatment aimed at the optimal involvement of the patient in daily activities — work, study, household chores, caring for others and meeting personal needs.

The Master’s level (2 years of study) is the mandatory minimum educational requirement. It will cost about 15-70 thousand dollars, in the case when you also need a doctoral degree; the cost will be a couple of thousand more expensive.

2. Pathology in Speech and Language

This career can offer graduates the highest degree of job satisfaction, as well as significant job prospects and high salaries.

3. Nuclear Medicine and Its Technologies

This branch of medicine can be divided into three main areas: diagnostics therapy, and radiation therapy.  All three are mainly used in the treatment of cancer. BLS predicts 7% job growth in this area and reports an average annual salary of $77,950.

It all depends on the direction of study, but on average it costs from $5,000 to $40,000.  BLS predicts 14% growth in employment between 2018 and 28, with an average annual salary of $68,750.

4. Nursing

Nurses play a critical role in health promotion, disease prevention and health care delivery at the primary health care and community levels. They provide health care in emergencies and make a critical contribution to universal health coverage. Education takes 2-3 years. RNS receive an average salary of $73,000 and are very happy with their jobs.
Another interesting option can be certification, which is written below.

5. Technology of MRI

This method reveals various pathological processes in the study of the brain and spinal cord, spinal column, small pelvis, kidneys, adrenal glands, knee joints, soft tissues and other organs. Depending on the degree of study, the cost of training ranges from $4,000 to $15,000. Professionals receive an average annual salary of $62,280 with a forecast of 9% in the period of 2018-28.

6. Dietetics and Nutrition

Recently, more and more often a nutritionist is involved in the treatment process, which develops a more detailed nutrition program for the patient. An undergraduate degree in a given field will be a good springboard to provide you with tremendous job prospects. BLS expects employment to grow by 11% and states that nutritionists are guaranteed an average annual salary of $61,270 in 2018-28.

If you have a master’s degree, then you are guaranteed preparation for advancement in a clinical, social and political career. This costs from $20,000 to $80,000. There are states that require all professionals to be licensed as a Registered Dietitian, a certificate issued by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

7. Medical Laboratory Equipment

All assistants often go through a program focused on junior laboratory research, it lasts about 2 years.  If you are a more advanced technologist in this area, then you will definitely need a bachelor’s degree. The affiliate program can charge as little as $2,500 per hour. It is very important that medicine is interested in the rapid development of new technologies that improve the quality of medical care.

In developed countries, the medical professions, on the contrary are well-paid. Getting a medical education means for a young person a future stable income and a comfortable old age.

If you want to be always in demand in the labor market, have respect and high income, then choose a profession related to medicine – go ahead to get a healthcare degree.